भ्रष्टाचार निरोध अधिकारी - bhrashtachar nirodh adhikaree,bhrashtachar nirodh adhikari meaning in hindi
अँग्रेज़ी अर्थ
Suggested :
एक प्रकार का संगीत | bluegrass |
Many of the first videos she saw were by bluegrass artists | |
खुसूसी | executive |
Shad concludes that "the legislative process is basically an executive process | |
बैरभाव | blood |
The Coronary circulatory system provides a blood supply to the heart. | |
घटाना | shed |
The tornado blew the shed over . | |
उच्चारण चिन्ह | accent |
The Barbudan accent is slightly different from the Antiguan one. |
bhrashtachar nirodh adhikaree,bhrashtachar nirodh adhikari
अक्षरों की संख्या: 24 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
bhraShTaachaara nirodha adhikaarii
Related spellings : bhrashtaachaar nirodh adhikaaree,bhrashtachar nirodh adhikaree,bhrashtaachaar nirodh adhikaari
Related spellings : bhrashtaachaar nirodh adhikaaree,bhrashtachar nirodh adhikaree,bhrashtaachaar nirodh adhikaari
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